Visa's timeline to comply with transaction date requirements - SB 272
Visa Approval Services have announced a timeline for the integration of transaction date requirements as defined in EMV specification bulletin 272, to Visa contactless kernels.
What is EMV SB 272 ?
The EMV specification bulletin SB 272 describes how new payment terminals should support the updated value for transaction date, using only the 2 digit years as 20yy. This bulletin is available on EMVCo website and it is applicable since January 2024.
Timeline to comply with SB 272
Earlier in March Visa Approval Services have announced the release of new test plans for VCPS, VCTKS and VRTPKS, during Q3 2024 to integrate this change.
Once the new test plan will be available, all contactless readers submitted to Visa testing approval must implement the SB 272.
Until the release of updated test plans, the support of transaction date management remains optional.

Payment terminal providers may already comply with the new requirement and implement the new value for transaction dates. Hence they should indicate in the ICS that the contactless reader submitted to Visa approval recognizes dates as 20yy, as defined in SB 272.
For more information about the new features describes in SB 272, read our previsous post : EMV test cases updates
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