Alcinéo Joins STMicroelectronics Partner Program

Alcinéo joins STMicroelectronics Partner Program to facilitate EMV stack implementation and speed up Time-to-Market of payment terminals.
Adds new fully featured EMV contact stack to ST’s products, technologies, and solutions
La Ciotat, January 16, 2024 – Alcinéo, a leading provider of embedded payment software, announces that it has joined the STMicroelectronics Partner Program to make its EMV Level 1 contact software stack available to speed up the integration of EMV software to contact card readers.

Partner contribution
Alcinéo provides a fully functional EMV contact stack, helping payment terminal providers to build robust and reliable EMV contact payment solutions. The protocol stack for smartcard readers developed by Alcinéo, compliant with the EMV Level 1 contact standard, is available on STM32 platforms, enabling terminal vendors to achieve compliance, accelerating their certification process.
Alcinéo Quote
“By providing our EMV level 1 software stack to payment terminal manufacturers who use the STM32 range, we help them to rapidly meet EMV requirements,” said Arnaud Corria, President, Alcinéo. “Our position as EMV technology experts is emphasized through our enrollment to the ST partner program. The combined technologies of ST and Alcinéo help our customers to reduce their product development cycles by relying on a robust design to deploy smartcard payment solutions.”
ST Quote
“Alcinéo’s knowledge of the ST portfolio and key expertise can help customers meet design challenges and shorten development time,” said Alessandro Maloberti, Partner Ecosystem Director, STMicroelectronics. “ST’s review and vetting of ST Authorized Partners has enabled us to build a strong ecosystem of qualified and skilled partners who can enhance customers’ developments with advanced technologies and multiple services to accelerate the design of their projects and solutions.”
About STMicroelectronics
STMicroelectronics, a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications created the ST Partner Program to speed customer development efforts by identifying and highlighting to them companies with complementary products and services. Moreover, the program’s certification process assures that all partners are periodically vetted for quality and competence. For more information on the collaboration between ST and Alcinéo, please visit : Alcineo – STMicroelectronics
About Alcinéo
Alcinéo specializes in the development of embedded software for smart payment systems and security solutions. Our mission is to provide scalable, reliable and secure solutions to help the payment industry face multiple challenges in producing next-generation payment systems. Our leading-edge solutions meet EMV Chip & PIN requirements. Alcinéo also delivers a SoftPOS SDK enabling seamless payment-app integration and shortening time-to-market while delivering state-of-the-art technology.