Alcinéo and ICC Solutions collaborate for the certification of JCB 1.6
Alcinéo and ICC Solutions successfully collaborated for the certification of JCB 1.6 contactless kernel using the newly validated ICCSimTMat tool for official JCB terminal type approvals
Alcinéo, recognized provider of EMV payment software and contactless Level 2 kernels integrating all types of payment terminals, and ICC Solutions, established provider of testing solutions and certification services for more than 25 years, have successfully collaborated on the development and accreditation of the new ICC testing tool for JCB 1.6 terminal type approval.

During the post validation phase of the tool, the J/ Speedy kernel developed by Alcinéo, fully compliant with JCB Contactless IC Terminal Specifications has been used by ICC team to fully validate the test scripts set by the English tool provider to further ensure the tool quality.
Step by step, the tool has been validated, through a strong cooperation between the two teams, to reach the goal : the utilization of the tool during a Type Approval in an accredited laboratory so that it can be used by Alcinéo in JCB L2 certifications.
For more information about testing solutions, visit ICC Solutions website :